28 February 2024
10:00 AM (GMT +2)

In order to protect the environment and align with the European “Zero pollution action plan”, the CLP Regulation (EU 2008/1272) adopted several environmental hazard classes. Three of them are from revision 6 and 7 of the GHS (short term aquatic toxicity, long term aquatic toxicity and hazard to the ozone layer), while the other three were newly introduced with the new Regulation EU 2023/707: endocrine disruptors for the environment, PBT and vPvB, PMT and vPvM. These new hazard classes had never been considered in the GHS before and are peculiar to the European classification and labelling system.

The scope of this webinar is to give participants the knowledge to classify substances and mixtures for the environmental hazard classes of the CLP Regulation. In particular: the calculation of both acute and chronic aquatic hazards will be discussed, as well as the classification criteria of the newest hazard classes.

Recommended for:
The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation.

Addressed to: all
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Ziannah Pasion
Language: English