25 October 2023
10:00 AM (GMT +2)
With Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation, the Poison Centre Notification was introduced in Europe, to guarantee emergency health response through a set of harmonized information sent in a dossier to Poison Centres. The Notification is mandatory for mixtures classified as hazardous for human health and physical effects, from 1 January 2021 for mixtures with consumer and professional use and from 1 January 2024 for mixtures with industrial use.
Though some of the deadlines already passed, for mixtures that have been already notified before 2021, companies have to comply by 1 January 2025. The webinar aims to discuss the CLP requirements, with a practical look at the information to include in the PCN dossier and through the supply chain, to avoid mistakes and prevent the request of further information by national appointed bodies. Some advice on the use of the EPY-UFI and EPY-PCN modules will also be discussed during the presentation.
Recommended for:
The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation.
Addressed to: all
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Ziannah Pasion
Language: English