• 02 April 2025 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    Cosmetic products are not subject neither to the CLP nor the REACH Regulation requirements, if they are in their finished state and intended for the end user. This means that there is no obligation to classify, label and package them as substances or mixtures nor to create and deliver SDSs, archive the material and make it available to workers. However, this does not apply to raw materials or semi-finished products, which fall completely within the scope of these standards. Furthermore, in some cases, cosmetics distributors may be interested in receiving documentation on the product to help manage safety measures in their establishments. In this webinar, we will review the regulatory context in which cosmetic products fall, address some elements of the SDS that can be particularly interesting in the world of cosmetics, and present a possible solution for safety documentation of finished cosmetics. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Sara Valenti Language: English SUBSCRIBE
  • 26 March 2025

    Detergent labels and SDSs


    26 March 2025 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    Detergents are subject to Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004, which establishes the elements that must be included on the label according to the composition of the product, and the assessment of certain characteristics such as its biodegradability. However, detergents and cleaning products also fall within the scope of the REACH and CLP Regulations, so the supply chain actors shall comply with the obligations dictated by these regulations as well. Furthermore, when placing detergents on the Italian market, they must be notified with the PCN format as required by art. 45 of CLP Regulation even when they are non-hazardous or only hazardous to the environment. This webinar aims to review the main obligations imposed by the REACH and CLP Regulations for supply chain actors, offering an overview and presenting examples of SDSs and labels consistent with these regulations. Recommended for… The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 45 minutes Speaker: Angelica Albareda Language: English SUBSCRIBE
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    28 February 2024 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    In order to protect the environment and align with the European "Zero pollution action plan", the CLP Regulation (EU 2008/1272) adopted several environmental hazard classes. Three of them are from revision 6 and 7 of the GHS (short term aquatic toxicity, long term aquatic toxicity and hazard to the ozone layer), while the other three were newly introduced with the new Regulation EU 2023/707: endocrine disruptors for the environment, PBT and vPvB, PMT and vPvM. These new hazard classes had never been considered in the GHS before and are peculiar to the European classification and labelling system. The scope of this webinar is to give participants the knowledge to classify substances and mixtures for the environmental hazard classes of the CLP Regulation. In particular: the calculation of both acute and chronic aquatic hazards will be discussed, as well as the classification criteria of the newest hazard classes. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Ziannah Pasion Language: English
  • Out of stock

    31 January 2024 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    Collecting and evaluating toxicity data and understanding mixture classification. The main objectives of this webinar are the following:
    • Illustrate how to find acute toxicity data for substances and evaluate it in relation to the indicated hazard class and category.
    • Illustrate the classification criteria of mixtures with reference to acute toxicity, with a focus on inhalation toxicity and unknown acute toxicity calculation.
    • Provide an overview of differences related to acute toxicity classification between CLP and GHS implementations in the USA, Canada and China.
    Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Sara Valenti Language: English
  • Out of stock

    22 November 2023 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    An exposure scenario is defined as the set of operating conditions and risk management measures describing how a substance is manufactured or used throughout its life cycle and how the manufacturer or importer recommends downstream users to control human and environmental exposure. REACH sets out the circumstances in which exposure scenarios are to be drawn up and communicated downstream along the supply chain, as well as how they are communicated (either as an annex to the SDS or by integrating the information in various sections of the SDS). The goals of this webinar are:
    • To clarify when your supplier should send you scenarios and when they should be passed on to your customers
    • To know how to collect information on your own and your clients’ intended uses
    • To know how to identify the information that populates an exposure scenario in order to be able to conduct a check for implementation purposes
    • To be able to manage and transfer information received from suppliers
    Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Sara Valenti Language: English SIGN UP
  • Out of stock

    25 October 2023 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    With Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation, the Poison Centre Notification was introduced in Europe, to guarantee emergency health response through a set of harmonized information sent in a dossier to Poison Centres. The Notification is mandatory for mixtures classified as hazardous for human health and physical effects, from 1 January 2021 for mixtures with consumer and professional use and from 1 January 2024 for mixtures with industrial use. Though some of the deadlines already passed, for mixtures that have been already notified before 2021, companies have to comply by 1 January 2025. The webinar aims to discuss the CLP requirements, with a practical look at the information to include in the PCN dossier and through the supply chain, to avoid mistakes and prevent the request of further information by national appointed bodies. Some advice on the use of the EPY-UFI and EPY-PCN modules will also be discussed during the presentation. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Ziannah Pasion Language: English SIGN UP
  • Out of stock

    12 July 2023 10:00 AM (GMT +2)

    Who is responsible, when are the next deadlines, what and how you need to communicate With Annex VIII, the CLP Regulation introduced a new notification process for mixtures with physical and/or health hazards. This has caused a series of significant changes in company operations: dossiers must now be transmitted before the product is placed on the market, and the content and format are now harmonized at a European level (except for a few Member States that are not aligned yet). In this way, notifications at national level are progressively being abandoned. The deadline to shift to the PCN notification was 01 January 2021 for mixtures intended for consumers or for professional use and 01 January 2024 for mixtures with an industrial final use. In any case, there will be a transitional period until 1 January 2025 for already notified mixtures, unless it is necessary to update the submitted information. The aim of this webinar is to give an overview of the regulatory requirements that surround the PCN notification, answering some practical questions as who is responsible, and what information must be communicated in the dossier. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. Addressed to: all Duration: 60 minutes Speaker: Sara Valenti Language: English SIGN UP
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    On Demand

    On March 31st, 2023, the Regulation (EC) 2023/707 was published on the Official Journal of the European Union. This document is an amendment of the CLP Regulation and will enter into force on the 20th of April 2023. The Regulation (EC) 2023/707 represents one of the first actions aligned with the European Green Deal, which aims to protect the human health and the environment, in the broader framework of combating pollution from all sources, including toxic substances. The main changes of the Regulation will be presented during the webinar, so that compliance operators can be updated and can start re-evaluating SDSs and labels based on the newly introduced criteria. In fact, new hazard classes were added to the existing ones for the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. Users: It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. To whom it is addressed to: all Duration: 45 minutes Speaker: Ziannah Pasion
  • Out of stock

    On Demand

    A guide for compliant SDSs and labels The aim of the webinar is to provide valuable help for the creation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), by offering some useful tools to check the information in SDSs and labels and improve their quality. The first part will detail the changes introduced by Regulation 2020/878, which is mandatory from 1 January 2023. In the second part, there will be a focus on the main elements to check to ensure correctness and coherence within SDSs and labels, with particular attention to classification. Recommended for: The course is recommended for HSE managers, chemical safety consultants, employers, SDS and label editors and, in general, those involved in regulatory affairs in the company. Users: It is recommended for users with any level of preparation. To whom it is addressed: to all Duration: 90 minutes Speaker: Sara Valenti
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